Corgi Grooming Archives - Corgi Central The best blog for Corgi owners Mon, 27 Mar 2023 02:56:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Corgi Grooming 101: To Shave or Not to Shave? Mon, 27 Mar 2023 02:56:41 +0000 Thinking of shaving your corgi’s fur? Learn why it's not recommended, and find out more about the unique coat these adorable pups have.

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Are you wondering whether it’s a good idea to shave a corgi? With their long, luscious coats and wild curls, it can be hard to resist the temptation. However, before you grab the clippers or decide on taking your pup for a groomer appointment, there are some important things that you should consider! 

In this article, we’ll explore the topic of shaving a corgi. Is it okay to shave a corgi, and what are the potential benefits and drawbacks of doing so? We’ll answer these questions and more, starting with an explanation of corgi’s double coat.

Can You Shave a Corgi?

Shaving a Corgi is not recommendable. Corgis are blessed with a unique double coat of fur, made up of a soft and fluffy undercoat as well as an outer layer that is coarser in texture and safeguards them from the elements. Not only does this two-layer combination keep corgis warm during cold weather conditions but cool when the climate calls for it too.

If you’re considering shaving a corgi, it’s important to understand that they have a double coat which makes the process more complex than when dealing with other breeds.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t shave a corgi:

  • The coat may not grow back evenly, resulting in a patchy appearance.
  • Shaving can disrupt the natural insulation of the coat, making the corgi more susceptible to heat stroke or hypothermia.
  • Corgis with certain health conditions or skin sensitivities may be more prone to skin irritation or other issues after being shaved.

Can You Shave a Corgi in the Summer?

Although it may be appealing to give a Corgi a summer shave to keep them cool, several risks should not be overlooked.

  • Shaving your Corgi can disrupt its natural ability to regulate its body temperature and may make them more vulnerable to heat stroke.
  • Additionally, shaving can increase the risk of sunburn and skin damage, particularly for dogs with light-colored or thin fur.

Instead of shaving, it’s recommended to use other grooming methods to keep a corgi cool in the summer. Regular brushing and bathing can help remove excess fur and keep the coat clean and healthy. Keeping a corgi in a cool, shaded area and providing plenty of fresh water can also help prevent overheating.

Regular brushing can help remove loose fur and prevent matting, which can trap heat and make your corgi uncomfortable. Trimming the fur around the paw pads and belly can also help keep your corgi cool.

Related post: Corgi Grooming: Do corgis need to be groomed?

How Long Does It Take for Corgi Hair to Grow Back After Shaving?

Don’t fret if your corgi’s fur is shaved by the vet due to a medical examination or procedure, their coat will inevitably return! While it might be disconcerting at first, owners of these loving pups can rest assured that the hair on their beloved pup’s back and legs will grow again in no time.

After a corgi is shaved, it can take several months for its coat to fully regrow. The exact timeline can vary depending on the length and thickness of the coat, as well as the individual dog’s growth cycle. In general, you can expect to see some regrowth within a few weeks, but it may take several months for the coat to return to its full length.

However, some factors can affect the regrowth process. For example, if the shave was done improperly or too close to the skin, it can damage the hair follicles and make it harder for the hair to regrow. Additionally, if the corgi has an underlying health condition that affects its coat, it may take longer for its hair to grow back.

How to help your Corgi’s hair grow back quickly

If your Corgi has been shaved and you are concerned about its hair regrowth, there are some steps you can take to promote healthy coat growth. First and foremost, make sure your corgi is getting a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients for hair growth. Regular brushing can also help stimulate the hair follicles and promote healthy regrowth.

During the regrowth process, it’s important to take extra care with your corgi’s coat. The new hair may be more sensitive and prone to tangling, so make sure to brush and comb it regularly to prevent matting. You may also want to consider using a conditioning spray or other grooming products to help keep the coat soft and healthy.

Related post: The best brushes for corgis


In conclusion, grooming is an essential aspect of caring for your corgi, and it’s essential for the well-being of your pup. While shaving a corgi may seem like a simple solution to manage the shedding, it’s important to weigh the potential risks and benefits and consider alternative grooming methods.

If your corgi needs to be shaved, be sure to take proper care of its skin during the regrowth process and consult with a veterinarian or professional groomer for guidance. Remember, a healthy coat is a vital part of your corgi’s overall health and well-being.

The post Corgi Grooming 101: To Shave or Not to Shave? appeared first on Corgi Central.

Fluffy Corgi: The Long Haired Corgi Fri, 26 Aug 2022 22:31:54 +0000 Long haired corgis have a different coat texture. Here's everything you need to know about the long-haired corgi

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The Long Haired Corgi

Do you know what a long-haired corgi is? If not, you’re in for a treat! This post will teach you all about the beauty of these corgis and how to care for one. So, read on to learn more!

The long-haired Corgi is also called the Fluffy Corgi. These corgis have a longer coat than their regular cousins, with soft hair that covers their belly, chest, feet, legs, and hindquarters.

They are a beautiful sight and are quickly becoming a favorite among dog lovers everywhere.

What Is a Fluffy Corgi?

The long-haired Corgi is a beautiful variation of the popular Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi breeds. They have a longer coat than a regular Corgi, with feathered hair under their belly and around their ears, chest, feet, legs, and hindquarters. They are rare and beautiful!

The long-haired Corgi is not a breed separate from the Pembroke or Cardigan Corgis. Instead, they are simply a variation of these two well-known Corgi breeds.

Related post: Swedish Vallhund: The Wolf Corgi

What causes this fluffy coat?

So what exactly causes this fluffy coat? Well, it’s a genetic mutation that results in extra-long hair growth. And while it might not be common, it exists – and there are plenty of fluffy Corgi owners out there who can attest to that!

The “fluff gene” is a recessive genetic trait that is responsible for the long hair found in these dogs.

These dogs are quite rare, but if both of the puppy’s parents possess the “fluffy gene”, there’s a good chance your pup will have long hair too.

The gene is transmitted from the parents to the puppy, and while it doesn’t always activate, there’s a good chance your pup will have lovely long hair if it does.

So, what exactly is this “fluffy gene”? Long hair in corgis is the result of a mutation of the FGF5 gene. This gene is what causes dogs to have long fur. As we have said before, it is a recessive gene that only manifests itself if both parents have it.

Are fluffy Corgis rare?

Yes, fluffy Corgis are quite rare. While regular Corgis are already considered to be a relatively rare breed, long-haired Corgis are even more so. These dogs are so rare that there is no exact number known how many exist in the world.

The best estimate is that less than 1% of all Corgis are long-haired. So, if you’re lucky enough to find a long-haired Corgi pup, you can consider yourself quite fortunate!

These dogs are so rare that they are often referred to as “unicorns” by Corgi enthusiasts. So, if you ever see a long-haired Corgi, make sure you take a moment to appreciate this beautiful and unique dog.

Related post: Are Corgis High Maintenance?

Do long-haired Corgis shed more?

No, long-haired Corgis do not necessarily shed more than regular Corgis.

If you do happen to get a fluffy Corgi pup, make sure you take good care of its hair. Since this type of coat is so dense and thick, it can easily become matted or tangled. So, make sure you brush your pup’s hair regularly and keep an eye on any knots or mats that might form.

It should be mentioned that the gene responsible for long hair also makes these dogs have a shorter and weaker undercoats. So, these dogs aren’t suited for extreme cold or hot weather conditions.

So, if you live in an area with extreme temperatures, make sure you keep your pup inside when it’s too hot or cold outside.

Related post: Do Corgis Shed A Lot?

Do long-haired Corgis need special care?

Yes, long-haired Corgis do require some special care. It’s important to brush your dog’s hair regularly to prevent any mats or knots from forming.

It’s also important to keep an eye on your dog’s skin. Since the long hair on these dogs can trap dirt and moisture, it’s important to make sure your dog’s skin is clean and dry.

If you notice any redness, itchiness, or irritation, be sure to take your dog to the vet to have it checked out.

So, while long-haired Corgis do require some special care, they are still loving and loyal dogs that make great companions.

Related post: Corgi Grooming: Do corgis need to be groomed?

How to care for a Fluffy Corgi?

If you’re lucky enough to have a fluffy Corgi, there are some special considerations you need to take into account. Here are a few tips on how to care for your fluffy Corgi:

1. Brush your dog’s hair regularly. This will help prevent mats and tangles from forming.

2. Keep an eye on your dog’s skin. long-haired Corgis are susceptible to skin problems, so make sure you keep your dog’s skin clean and dry.

3. Avoid extreme weather conditions. Since these dogs have a shorter and weaker undercoats, they are not suited for extreme cold or hot weather conditions.

4. Be prepared to invest in some good-quality dog brushes and combs. long-haired Corgis require a lot of grooming, so you’ll need some good quality tools to help you out.

5. Be patient! long-haired Corgis can be a bit high maintenance, but they are still loving and loyal companions.

Related post: The best brushes for corgis

Final thoughts

Fluffy Corgis are becoming more and more popular as people learn about this adorable variation of the breed.

They are loving and loyal companions who make great family pets. If you’re interested in adding one of these sweet dogs to your family, be sure to do your research to find a reputable breeder.

It’s important to keep in mind that the long-haired Corgi requires a lot of maintenance, so if you’re not prepared to commit to regular brushing and grooming, this may not be the right breed for you.

So why are people so drawn to these furry friends? Aside from their adorable looks, Fluffy Corgis are known to be friendly, intelligent, and active dogs that make great companions.

Related post: Are Corgis Good Apartment Dogs?

The post Fluffy Corgi: The Long Haired Corgi appeared first on Corgi Central.

Corgi Grooming: Do corgis need to be groomed? Wed, 03 Aug 2022 19:49:44 +0000 Keeping your corgi looking its best doesn't have to be complicated. Read these tips and tricks for proper grooming.

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Corgi Grooming Needs

Corgis are active little dogs that love to play. As a result, they can get pretty dirty and their fur can become matted. That’s why it’s important to have a regular grooming routine for your corgi.

Related post: Are Corgis Hypoallergenic?

What is the best way to brush a corgi?

Corgis have a thick, double coat that can be prone to tangles and mats. As a result, it is important to brush your corgi regularly to help keep its coat healthy and free of knots. The best way to brush a corgi is to use a slicker brush or a de-shedding tool.

Start at the head and work your way down the body, being sure to pay special attention to areas that are prone to tangles, such as the undercoat. If you are not sure how to properly brush your corgi, please consult a groomer or veterinarian. Thanks for reading!

Here are some tips for corgi grooming:

1. Brush your corgi’s fur regularly.

This will help to prevent matting and will also help to remove any dirt or debris that your corgi may have picked up while playing.

2. bath your corgi regularly.

How often you need to bathe your corgi will depend on how active he is and how dirty he gets. However, most corgis will need a bath every few weeks.

3. Trim your corgi’s nails regularly.

This is important for both hygiene and comfort reasons. It is also important to avoid grinding too close to the quick, as this can be painful for your dog. If you’re not comfortable trimming your corgi’s nails yourself, you can take him to a groomer or vet to have this done.

4. Check your corgi’s ears regularly.

Corgis are prone to ear infections, so it’s important to keep their ears clean and dry. You can do this by gently wiping them with a cotton ball dampened with water or an ear-cleaning solution.

By following these corgi grooming tips, you can help to keep your corgi healthy and looking their best.

Related post: Are corgis good for first-time owners?

What is the best way to groom a corgi?

Regular grooming is essential for keeping your corgi’s coat healthy and looking its best.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

– Choose a brush that is comfortable for you to use and that will not cause your dog any discomfort.

– Be sure to use a detangling spray or conditioner before you start brushing. This will help to loosen any knots or tangles in the coat.

– Start at the head and work your way down the body, following the direction of the hair growth.

– If you have a double-sided brush, use the softer bristles first and then move on to the firmer bristles.

By following these tips, you can be sure that you are properly grooming your corgi and keeping its coat healthy and looking its best.

How do you brush a fluffy Corgi?

Step 1: Start with a detangling spray

Before you start brushing, it’s important to use a detangling spray or conditioner. This will help to loosen any knots or tangles in the coat and make brushing much easier. Be sure to avoid any products that contain alcohol, as this can dry out the dog’s skin and coat.

Step 2: Use a wide-tooth comb

Start by gently combing through the coat with a wide-tooth comb. Be sure to be gentle, as you don’t want to pull on the hair or cause any discomfort. Work slowly and patiently until all of the knots and tangles are gone.

Step 3: Use a bristle brush

Once the coat is free of tangles, you can start using a bristle brush. Start at the head and work your way down the body, following the direction of the hair growth. Be sure to be gentle and take your time.

Step 4: Use a double-sided brush

If you have a double-sided brush, you can use it to finish the coat. Start with the softer bristles and then move on to the firmer bristles. This will help to remove any final knots or tangles and give the coat a healthy shine.

How often should a corgi be brushed?

Ideally, corgis should be brushed at least once a week. This will help to prevent knots and tangles from forming in the coat and will keep the coat looking healthy and shiny.

If you are unable to brush your corgi every week, be sure to brush them as often as possible. Even brushing them a few times a month can make a big difference in the condition of their coat.

Happy brushing!

Related post: The best brushes for corgis

How do you remove a corgi undercoat?

One of the best ways to remove a corgi undercoat is by using a de-shedding tool. This type of tool helps to reach the undercoat and loosen and remove any shedding hair. Be sure to follow the directions carefully and only use the tool as often as recommended.

Another option is to take your corgi to a professional groomer. They will have the proper tools and experience to safely and effectively remove the undercoat.

Finally, you can try using a slicker brush. This type of brush can be very effective in removing shedding hair. Be sure to use gentle strokes and avoid pulling on the hair.

Are Corgis supposed to get haircuts?

When it comes to grooming corgis, many people wonder if they should get haircuts. The answer is no – corgis should not get haircuts! Their fur is perfectly designed for them to feel comfortable in both the summer and winter months.

However, regular brushing is essential to help control shedding. The best brushes for corgis are those with stiff bristles that can reach down to the undercoat. With regular brushing, you can help your corgi stay comfortable and look its best.

Do Corgis need professional grooming?

While some owners choose to groom their corgis at home, others opt to take them to a professional groomer. There are a few benefits of professional grooming, such as:

– The proper tools and experience: Professional groomers have the proper tools and experience to safely and effectively groom your dog.

– A relaxing experience: Grooming can be a stressful experience for some dogs. By taking them to a professional, you can help to make it a more relaxing and enjoyable experience.

– Convenience: If you are busy or do not have the time to groom your dog at home, professional grooming can be a convenient option.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to take your corgi to a professional groomer is up to you. If you feel comfortable grooming them at home, then there is no need to do so. However, if you would prefer to have someone else handle the grooming, then professional grooming may be the best option for you.

How do you trim a corgi’s nails?

Trimming a corgi’s nails is an important part of grooming, but it can be a daunting task for some owners. The best way to trim your corgi’s nails is to use a nail grinder. This type of tool helps to quickly and easily grind down the nails.

Be sure to follow the directions carefully and only grind a small amount of the nail at a time. You should also avoid grinding too close to the quick, as this can be painful for your dog. If you are not comfortable using a nail grinder, you can take your corgi to a professional groomer or veterinarian to have their nails trimmed.

When trimming your corgi’s nails, it is also important to pay attention to the dewclaw. The dewclaw is a claw that is located on the inside of the leg and does not come into contact with the ground. As a result, it can grow very long and become uncomfortable for your dog. Be sure to trim the dewclaw regularly to keep it at a comfortable length.

I hope this information was helpful in better understanding how to care for your corgi’s coat! If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. Thanks for reading!

Related post: Do Corgis Shed A Lot?

Final thoughts

So, there you have it – everything you need to know about Corgi grooming needs. As with any breed, make sure to keep up with regular brushing and bathing to keep your Corgi looking (and feeling) his best. And don’t forget the most important part – enjoy spending time with your furry friend!

Related post: Are corgis good dogs?

The post Corgi Grooming: Do corgis need to be groomed? appeared first on Corgi Central.

The best brushes for corgis Wed, 03 Aug 2022 04:06:25 +0000 Looking for the best brushes for corgis? We've got you covered. See our top picks of the best dog grooming brushes available today.

The post The best brushes for corgis appeared first on Corgi Central.


Are you a proud corgi owner? If so, you know that these dogs require a lot of brushing to keep their coats looking healthy and shiny. But with so many brushes on the market, which one should you choose?

This blog post will list 5 of the best brushes for corgis so that you can find the perfect one for your furry friend. Happy brushing!

What kind of brush do you use on a Corgi?

As any dog owner knows, grooming is an important part of taking care of your pet. Not only does it help to keep them clean and healthy, but it’s also a great opportunity to bond with your furry friend. When it comes to grooming a Corgi, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, they have a double coat, so you’ll need multiple brushes.

A slicker brush is a great choice for brushing the coat and giving it a healthy shine. However, you may also want to consider a double-sided brush with softer bristles on one side.

This type of brush can be beneficial in detangling the coat and preventing matting. In addition, it is important to choose a brush that is comfortable for you to use and that will not cause your dog any discomfort.

When selecting a brush for your corgi, be sure to consider all of these factors to ensure that you choose the best possible option.

The 5 best brushes for corgis

We Love Doodles – Slicker Brush for Dogs

This brush contours to your dog’s body and effortlessly removes dead undercoats and loose hair. Reducing shedding by up to 90%, it’s perfect for keeping your home clean and fur-free. The best part? Dogs love it! The soft bristles are gentle on the skin and coat, making grooming a breeze. Get through all the knots with ease and watch your dog’s coat shine. With easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be a pro in no time.

Check the price on amazon

FURminator Firm Grooming Slicker Brush

This unique brush is designed to follow the natural contours of your pet’s body, reducing shedding by up to 90%. The ergonomic design and smooth, non-pulling bristles allow for a professional look and feel, while the convenient instructions make it easy to use at home. With regular use, your pet will enjoy a natural shine, and you’ll appreciate the mats and tangles being removed from their coat.

Check the price on amazon

Chris Christensen Big G Dog Slicker Brush

The Chris Christensen Big G Dog Slicker Brush is the perfect tool for easy fluffing, detangling, and styling of your dog’s coat. The professional grooming brush comes in a coral color that adds a pop of personality to your grooming routine. The bristles on the brush grasp hair easier to remove tangles and excess hair. The Chris Christensen Big G Dog Slicker Brush also reduces shedding.

Check the price on amazon

Professional Double-Sided Pin & Bristle Brush

The Professional Double-Sided Pin & Bristle Brush is one of the only pet brushes on the market that is designed for both comfort and quality. The pins on the brush are soft and flexible, with rounded tips to prevent scratching, and ventilation holes to keep them from getting too stiff. The bristles are also designed to be gentle on your pet’s coat. The gel-filled handle is comfortable for both you and your pet, making grooming a much more pleasant experience.

Check the price on amazon

Final thoughts

So, if you’re in the market for a brush to keep your corgi looking its best, we hope our list of the best brushes for corgis has been helpful. We think all of these brushes would make great additions to any grooming kit and will help get your pup looking neat. Thanks for reading!

The post The best brushes for corgis appeared first on Corgi Central.

Are corgis good dogs? Wed, 18 May 2022 23:20:01 +0000 Are Corgis good dogs? Learn more about what makes a Corgi a great pet and which ones are best for your lifestyle.

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The answer may surprise you. While Corgis are often considered to be friendly and loving pets, they can also be quite independent and stubborn. If you’re thinking of getting a Corgi, it’s important to be prepared for their personality traits and know how to handle them.

Related post: The Temperament and Personality of Corgis

Are Corgis good dogs?

This is a question that many people ask when they are considering owning a Corgi. As a whole, Corgis are considered good dogs because they are loyal, playful, intelligent, and not very aggressive.

They will fit into most households, including households with other pets and older children. Corgis are also relatively easy to train and are generally good at following commands. For these reasons, they make great companions.

Related post: Do Corgis Shed A Lot?

The Pros and Cons of owning a Corgi

Here are some pros and cons of owning a Corgi to help you decide if they are the right breed for you.

Pros of owning a Corgi

– Corgis are intelligent dogs that are easy to train.

– They are playful and friendly, making them great family pets.

– Corgis are relatively low-maintenance dogs that are easy to groom.

– They are relatively healthy dogs with a lifespan of 12-15 years.

– They’re adorable! Those short little legs, that big butt, and those cute ears… how can you resist?

– They’re smart. Corgis are considered one of the smartest dog breeds, so if you’re looking for a canine companion that can learn tricks and commands easily, a corgi is a good choice

Cons of owning a Corgi

– They are prone to obesity and need to be fed a balanced diet.

– Corgis are also susceptible to hip dysplasia, a hereditary condition that can cause lameness and pain.

– They’re stubborn. Corgis are known for their stubbornness, so if you’re looking for a dog that will always obey your commands, a corgi is not the right choice.

– They need a lot of exercises. As we mentioned, corgis have a lot of energy, so if you’re not prepared to give them plenty of activity, they may not be the right dog for you.

– They’re herding dogs. Corgis were bred to herd cattle, so they may try to herd other animals and even young children. This can be frustrating (and even dangerous) if not properly managed.

-Corgis are known for being barkers and may not be the best choice for people who live in close quarters, such as an apartment.

– Corgis are shedding dogs. This means that they will lose a lot of furs, which can be a problem for people with allergies.

Overall, Corgis are good dogs for families looking for loyal and intelligent companions. However, potential owners should be aware of the breed’s herding instincts and health problems. If you are considering adding Corgi to your family, be sure to do your research to make sure they are the right breed for you.

Related post: Are Corgis High Maintenance?

Are corgis good for first-time owners?

Corgis are not the best option for first-time dog owners. They have a lot of energy, and a strong-willed personality and require regular grooming. But it can work if the new owner knows the characteristics and needs of the breed well, and can dedicate a lot of time, patience, and effort to his dog.

Welsh Pembroke Corgis are exceptional dogs and will bring a lot of love and fun to your house. However, these dogs require a different kind of attention due to their unique nature. Corgis were originally bred as herding dogs, and their instinct is to herd everything they see, from children to cats.

This behavior can be endearing, but it also means that Corgis need a lot of exercises to stay happy and healthy. A daily walk or run is essential, and many Corgis also enjoy activities like agility training or herding trials. In addition, Corgis need plenty of mental stimulation in the form of puzzle toys, obedience training, and other brain teasers. Without enough to do, Corgis can become bored and destructive.

Thankfully, their cheerful personalities make them easy to train, but owners need to be prepared to put in the time and effort.

Corgis are also relatively high-maintenance when it comes to grooming, as they are heavy shedders. Daily brushing is necessary to keep their coats healthy and minimize the amount of fallen hair around the house.

Related post: Do Corgis Shed A Lot?

So, are Corgis good for first-time owners? It depends. Corgis are high-energy dogs that require a lot of time, patience, and effort. But if you are prepared to put in the work, they can make wonderful and loyal companions.

Do Corgis like to cuddle?

Yes, Corgis like to cuddle. Corgis are also known for being “couch potatoes” and enjoy cuddling with their owners.

While most Corgis do enjoy cuddling, there are a few things that can affect how much your Corgi loves to snuggle. Temperament is one of the biggest factors, as some Corgis are simply more laid-back than others. If your Corgi was raised around people, it’s also more likely to be comfortable with close contact.

Finally, Corgis who are regularly exercised are often more relaxed and are therefore more likely to want to snuggle. So if you’re looking for a cuddle buddy, a Corgi may be a perfect choice.

Related post: The Cost Of Owning A Corgi

Are corgis good with kids?

Are corgis good with kids? It is a frequently asked question by those who are looking to adopt a Corgi into their family. The answer to this question is not as simple as a yes or no. Corgis are not very aggressive, but they were bred as herding dogs. This means that they want to herd other animals and young children by nature. They may even nip at children’s heels to try to get them where they want to go.

With this in mind, Corgis are not recommended for households with children under the age of 5. Even though the Corgis are not trying to be outright aggressive, you don’t want a herding dog to hurt or scare your young child accidentally. However, if you have older children who are respectful of animals and understand how to interact with a herding dog, then a Corgi could be a great addition to your family.

Related post: Are corgis good with kids?

Are Corgis good with other dogs?

Are Corgis good with other dogs? The answer is usually yes, but it depends on several factors. Corgis are herding dogs, so they have the instinct to chase and nip at other animals.

However, this behavior can be prevented or redirected with proper socialization. If you have another dog in your home, it’s important to slowly o introduce your Corgi to the other dog under supervision.

Allow them to sniff each other and get to know one another before allowing them to play together. With time and patience, most Corgis will learn to get along with other dogs. However, there are always exceptions, so it’s important to monitor their interactions and consult with a professional if you have any concerns.

Related post: Is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi a good family dog?

Are Corgis good with cats?

Are Corgis good with cats? The short answer is yes, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. Corgis are typically a good match for cats in terms of size and temperament. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind if you want the two animals to get along.

First, it’s important to treat both animals equally. If you give one animal more attention than the other, it can lead to jealousy and resentment.

Second, you need to make sure that both animals have their own space. Corgis are herding dogs, so they may try to herd the cat if they’re not given enough space.

Finally, you should never allow the Corgi to chase or harass the cat. If you follow these guidelines, the chances are good that your Corgi and cat will be best friends.

Related post: Are corgis good with other pets?

Why you should get a corgi?

Corgis are an exceptionally affectionate dog breed and do well with all sorts of families, making them an ideal pet for most homes. One of their most popular personality traits is that they make great watchdogs. While they aren’t particularly formidable, they have a loud bark and aren’t afraid to use them.

They are also highly intelligent and very trainable, which means they can be easily taught to alert their owners to strangers or unusual activity.

All of these factors make them an excellent choice for those looking for a loyal and loving companion. Corgis are also known for being “couch potatoes” and enjoy cuddling with their owners.

Related post: What You Need to Know Before Adopting a Corgi

Final Thoughts

So, are Corgis good dogs? The answer is an unequivocal yes! They make great pets for people of all ages and can provide years of companionship. Corgis are also one of the most popular breeds in the United States, so you’re sure to find plenty of other Corgi enthusiasts out there who would love to hear about your dog.

Related post: Is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi a good family dog?

The post Are corgis good dogs? appeared first on Corgi Central.

Do Corgis Shed A Lot? Thu, 11 Mar 2021 03:53:41 +0000 Find out how much a corgi sheds, the best way to control shedding, and what you can do about it.

The post Do Corgis Shed A Lot? appeared first on Corgi Central.


Do corgis shed a lot?

Yes, they do! Both the Pembroke Welsh Corgis and the Cardigan Welsh Corgis are among the dog breeds known for being heavy shedders. But, there are a few things you can do to help manage their shedding. With regular brushing and bathing, you can help keep their shedding under control.

The main reason Corgis shed so much is that they have a double coat. The outer coat is dense and coarse, while the undercoat is soft and thick. This combination provides Corgis with excellent protection against cold weather. However, it also means that they shed a lot of hair.

Corgis shed year-round, but they shed the most during the spring and fall. This is because their coats are preparing for the change in seasons. They will shed their winter coat to make way for lighter summer coats. Then, in the fall, they will shed their summer coat to prepare for a thicker winter coat.

Related post: Whatcoats the different Corgi types?

How much do corgis shed?

Corgis shed year-round, but they shed the most during the spring and fall. This is because their coats are adapting to the changing seasons. In the spring, Corgis shed their winter coat in preparation for the warmer weather. In the fall, they shed their summer coat in preparation for the cooler weather.

There are a few things you can do to help manage Corgi’s shedding. First, brush them regularly. This will help remove loose hair from their coat and reduce the amount of hair they shed. Secondly, bathe them as needed. This will also help remove loose hair and keep their coat healthy and clean. Finally, make sure they are getting enough exercise. Exercise helps to reduce stress and can help minimize shedding.

How much do Welsh Pembroke and Cardigan Corgis shed?

Pembroke or the Cardigan Corgis shed moderately throughout the year and more heavily during the molting season (seasonal shedding), which occurs in spring and fall. When dogs change their fur to prepare for the changing seasons.

You can make this easier with the right diet and grooming. But, you also need to make sure that the issue doesn’t become excessive.

Related post: Are corgis good dogs?

Do corgis have a double coat?

Yes, both types of Corgis have double coats. The main reason that these dogs are such heavy shedders is the fact that they have a double coat. This means that there is a protective outer layer, made of longer hairs, which is essential for protecting the animal from the elements and bad weather, and then a fluffier inner layer made of shorter and thicker hairs, is for insulation.

This combination is what makes Welsh Corgis so perfect for colder climates, but it also results in a lot of hair being shed around the house. The amount of hair that gets shed depends on the individual dog, as well as the time of year.

When is corgi shedding season?

Corgis tend to shed the most when there is a change of seasons and they need a whole new coat to deal with the changes in weather and temperature. This means that shedding will intensify in the spring when the dog’s coat gets ready for summer, and in the fall when its coat will adapt to the cold weather of winter.

In winter, they need a thicker coat to adapt to the cold weather. You might think that this shouldn’t matter to a pet like a Corgi. But, this was a working dog before it was a family pet.

On the contrary in summer, Corgis will need a lighter coat that helps them regulate their body temperature.

Therefore, you are going to experience more shed fur than normal when it is time for these dogs to “blow out” their coat. This is common for any dog breed that has this thick double coat. Labradors, Huskies, and shepherds – who happen to also be active working dogs – go through the same thing.

It isn’t much you can do to stop this natural process from happening. However, there are steps you can take to minimize shedding and make things more manageable.

Related post: Do Corgis need a ramp?

What months do Corgis shed the most?

Corgis will start to shed more in the springtime as they prepare for summer. This is when you will see the most hair around your house. However, they will also shed heavily in the fall as they prepare for winter.

So, any time there is a change in seasons, you can expect your Corgi to shed more than usual.

While you can’t stop your Corgi from shedding, there are things you can do to help reduce the amount of hair that gets left around your house. First, make sure you are brushing your Corgi regularly.

This will help remove loose hair and keep their coat healthy. You can also try bathing them with a dog shampoo that is designed to help reduce shedding.

Finally, feeding your Corgi high-quality food can also help reduce the amount of hair they shed.

Related post: The Best Dog Beds For Corgis

How do I stop my corgi from shedding?

You can’t stop a Corgi from shedding. But, there are two key areas to keep in mind when keeping shedding under control. They are, firstly, regular brushing, and secondly, a healthy diet. Let’s take a look at these in turn:

Regular brushing

This is the most important thing you can do to manage your Corgi’s shedding. You should brush them at least once a week, but twice a week is even better.

A good brush will help remove loose hair, and it will also help distribute the natural oils in their coat, which keeps them healthy. When you brush your Corgi, be sure to use a brush that is designed for dogs with double coats.

This type of brush will have bristles that are spaced out so they can reach down to the undercoat. Do not use a human hairbrush, as this can damage their coat.


Grooming your Corgi regularly will also help reduce the amount of hair it shed. This is because it removes any dead or loose hair before it has a chance to fall out on its own.

A good grooming session should include a brush, a comb, and some dog shampoo. You can do this yourself at home, or you can take them to a professional groomer.

If you do it yourself, be sure to use a dog shampoo that is designed for dogs with double coats. This type of shampoo will help remove any loose hair and keep their coat healthy.

Regular grooming is essential for these double-coated dogs with their medium-length fur. Consistent efforts will remove the worst of the shed hair in a normal season. A good mitt helps here. Then you can schedule a de-shedding appointment when it is time to get rid of the old under-layer. Professional help is advisable

Diet and supplements.

A healthy diet is also important for reducing shedding. Look for a food that has animal protein, such as chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, or fish, as the first ingredient.

This will help keep their coat healthy and reduce shedding. You can also talk to your vet about supplements that can help reduce shedding.

There are a few different supplements on the market that are designed to help reduce shedding. Talk to your vet about which one would be best for your Corgi.

In addition to this, you can consider feeding your Corgi foods with Omega oils. These oils are great for coat health and should help the coat stronger. This will mean less shedding in normal months. You could achieve this with some fish in their diets or by adding supplements to their food.

How to manage your Corgi’s shedding?

There is no such thing as a non-shedding dog, all dogs shed. However, you can control the amount your Corgi sheds by following the tips above.

Providing a good diet for your Corgi and regularly brushing their coat will help to keep shedding under control. You may also want to consider professional grooming appointments to help manage their coat during shedding season.

If you plan to get a Corgi as a pet, it helps to think ahead and get an idea of how to groom them and handle those shedding issues. The sooner you get into a routine with the best tools, the better the outcome.

Essential tools to keep your home free of pet hair and allergens

A good-quality dog brush

The best brush for dogs like Corgis is the Furminator. This de-shedding tool can remove loose hair from the undercoat. It has a stainless steel edge that helps to reach deep down and remove hair that is ready to fall out. The Furminator also has a comfortable grip so you can groom your Corgi with ease. Check it out on Amazon.

A vacuum cleaner

It may take some time to find the ideal pet hair vacuum. Make sure to look out for models that have the best possible suction, allergen filters, and the right attachments for upholstery and crevices. We have found that the Dyson Ball Animal 2 Upright Vacuum Cleaner works very well. Check it out on Amazon.

Air purifier with HEPA filters

An air purifier can help to remove pet hair and allergens from the air in your home. Look for an air purifier that has HEPA filters so it can trap small particles like pet hair. The Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier is a good option. Check it out on Amazon.

Can I shave my corgi?

Do not shave your Corgi. It should come as a shock to many keen Corgi lovers to even see this as a suggestion. However, there are some people new to the world of dog ownership that think that shaving a dog is the best approach.

First of all, there is no need to remove such a beautiful part of the animal. Don’t destroy their looks. Secondly, shaving a dog can lead to issues of temperature regulation, sunburn, skin irritation, and other issues. If you can’t handle the responsibility of grooming a Corgi correctly, don’t get one.

Why is my Corgi shedding excessively?

It is also important to consider the potential for excessive shedding in Corgis. There could be times when you notice a lot of fur coming out at once, or perhaps even bald areas. If this happens, especially during “normal” shedding seasons, it is important to determine the cause. Possible reasons for excessive Corgi shedding include:


Your dog may have an allergic reaction to something in its food or its environment. This could lead to itching, dry skin, or a lack of coat condition. In turn, the fur may not be strong and healthy enough and could fall out.

Other skin issues.

Dry, flaking skin does have an impact on the health of dog fur. The animal needs a good supply of blood and natural oils around the follicles for better health. There could be several skin conditions or parasitic infections causing this sort of reaction.

Other dietary issues.

Alternatively, you might find that the cause is a lack of essential nutrients in their diet. The supplementation mentioned above for coat health could help here. Or, you could look into links between diet and skin issues. A simple switch to a new formula could help.


If you ever feel that your hair breaks away in your brush more during times of stress, you are not alone. Dogs can shed more when dealing with stress and anxiety. Here, there is the added risk of them licking areas of their body and ending up with bare patches. Think about any recent upheavals or distressing incidents that could be causing this reaction.

Whatever the most likely cause, it is a good idea to talk to your vet to see what you can do to make things better for your pet. They can diagnose any skin issues, pinpoint the causes of allergic reactions, and provide treatment and guidance. This could include recommendations for new pet food, supplementation, or stress relief toys.

Related post: Are Corgis Healthy Dogs?

Final thoughts

In short, Corgis are going to shed a lot and there isn’t much that you can do other than embrace it. There will be seasonal blowouts where a lot of that thick double coat comes away and gets everywhere. If you prepare for this with the best possible grooming, diet, and additional care, you should be fine. This is a beautiful coat. Help your dog take care of it.

Related post: Are Corgis Hypoallergenic?

The post Do Corgis Shed A Lot? appeared first on Corgi Central.

Are Corgis High Maintenance? Thu, 04 Feb 2021 03:49:48 +0000 Wondering if Corgis are high maintenance dogs? This article will help you decide if a Corgi is the right pet for you.

The post Are Corgis High Maintenance? appeared first on Corgi Central.


Corgis are wonderful little characters and a popular choice for a lot of dog lovers. There is the preconception that this little dog will be nothing but a bundle of fun to have around. While they are sweet and amusing dogs, there may be some ill-conceived ideas about owning one. So, are Corgis high-maintenance dogs?

Are Corgis high maintenance?

Corgis aren’t the most high-maintenance dogs around as owners can keep up with their daily routines and care without too much trouble. Shedding is an issue but it is manageable. The bigger issues come with some of the behavioral traits of these dogs. They can be vocal and stubborn, with a tendency to revert to herding instincts. Experienced owners without small children can work on training these dogs and see big improvements.

How much do corgis cost?

Corgis are a fairly popular breed of dog, so their price can vary significantly. Some breeders may charge as little as $500 for a corgi puppy, while others may charge upwards of $2,000. The price will also depend on the specific type of corgi you are interested in purchasing. For example, Pembroke Welsh corgis are typically more expensive than Cardigan Welsh corgis. Ultimately, the price you pay for your corgi will depend on several factors, including the breeder you purchase from and the specific type of corgi you select.

Corgi requirements for health and well-being.

The best place to start when considering if a breed is high-maintenance is in the effort put into their day-to-day care. Do they require any special dietary considerations? Do they require a lot of exercises to burn off calories and stay fit? Are there any grooming problems to be aware of?

Corgi diets and feeding schedules.

It shouldn’t be too hard to find the right food and feeding schedule for your dog unless they develop any allergies. The problem comes with portion control. Too little and they won’t have enough to fuel their active lifestyle. Too much and they can overeat and run the risk of obesity.

Corgi exercise requirements.

Corgis are active dogs and require a lot of exercise and playtime. Exercise helps them deal with any issues of overeating and keeps them in good shape. Regular walks and games in the yard are essential. They might not be so good in an apartment without long walks outside. Also, you need to keep up with the need for mental stimulation. Their intelligence means that they are always looking for something to do. Don’t let them get bored.

Corgi shedding problems.

This is a big issue to contend with if you choose to have a Corgi at home. Their topcoat can shed moderately and you will find the hair around the house. But, there is also the issue of the seasonal molt. This is where the undercoat of the dog blows out with masses of shed hair.

Corgi grooming needs.

Owners that can stay on top of these shedding issues with the right grooming and tools during blow-outs should be fine. The plus side to grooming a Corgi is that their coat repels dirt pretty well. You won’t have to bathe them quite so often, but you could find more dirt on the floor or in their dog bed.

What to know before owning a corgi?

The factors above all relate to the maintenance of feeding and grooming a Corgi. But, there is more to this animal. Some dog lovers will consider them low maintenance because of these requirements and then overlook some of the behavioral issues and training problems. Corgis can be a joy to have around when well-trained and well-understood. But, they aren’t always ideal for first-time pet parents because of the following issues.

Corgis can be bossy and stubborn.

Some Corgi owners find the bossiness of a Corgi to be endearing. It shows some spirit and keeps you on your toes when devising walks and playtime. Selective hearing isn’t uncommon either. This is a problem for anyone that wants a more passive people-pleasing dog with perfect obedience.

Corgis can still develop separation anxiety despite this independence.

Surprisingly, this stubborn and independent-minded dog can also suffer from issues of separation anxiety. They like to get their way, but they also hate to be left alone. With the appropriate training, you might find that they get destructive and bark all the time.

Corgis have herding instincts that can manifest via your children.

Corgis are working dogs at heart and are content running around a field rounding up animals and wildfowl. They know that they need to stay near those vulnerable creatures and keep them in the right place. They can start doing this to kids. While it might be a secondary babysitting service for crawling toddlers, there are potential problems.

Corgis can also start to nip at children because of this.

This is where this behavior can become a bigger issue. Herding sometimes comes with an instinct to nip at the heels of kids. Corgis and other short working dogs will do this to livestock to make it move. They may be trying to get your kids out of danger, but it can appear aggressive.

Corgis can also be more vocal than new owners would like.

We say vocal because it isn’t just barking that you need to watch out for when dealing with Corgis. Corgis will bark at anything they want to move, even balls and toys, because of their herding background. They can also bark at you to get their way. Then there is the “talking” and howling that can happen during feeding and when they want attention.

Training your Corgi to make them less of a high-maintenance dog.

Training is essential for any smart working breed. The sooner you work with them to showcase your expectations and banish bad habits, the better-behaved your dog will be. The stubborn nature of the Corgi could make it a little challenging at times to get the message across. But, you can work to limit nipping, excessive vocalization, separation anxiety, and more. Be patient and consistent with small steps.

Are corgis hard to take care of?

In short, there are some big pros and cons to owning a Corgi. While some would say that they aren’t the highest of high-maintenance dogs because of their feeding and grooming, there are challenging behavioral issues. It all depends on how well you train your Corgi early on to handle herding, nipping, barking, and separation anxiety. Deal with these issues effectively and there should be no problem.

Related post: Are Corgis Healthy Dogs?

The post Are Corgis High Maintenance? appeared first on Corgi Central.

Are Corgis Hypoallergenic? Thu, 04 Feb 2021 01:28:46 +0000 Is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi or the Cardigan Welsh Corgi hypoallergenic dogs? Find out if this breed is good for people with allergies.

The post Are Corgis Hypoallergenic? appeared first on Corgi Central.


Are corgis hypoallergenic?

The simple answer here is that corgis aren’t hypoallergenic as they have a medium-length double coat that sheds consistently. There is the risk of allergies to their fur and dander, which may worsen during seasonal shedding.

However, there are ways that you can manage the shedding and minimize the risk of allergic reactions if you want a Corgi as a pet. The alternative is to look for a Corgi mix that has hypoallergenic properties.

Is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Hypoallergenic?

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed is not hypoallergenic. They have a thick, medium-length double coat that will require regular grooming to keep them healthy and free of mats and tangles. The coat sheds throughout the year, but there is a heavier shed twice a year during the spring and fall. During these times, it’s important to brush your Corgi more frequently to help manage the shedding.

Is the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Hypoallergenic?

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is also not hypoallergenic. They have a thick, medium-length double coat that will require regular grooming. The coat sheds throughout the year, but there is a heavier shed twice a year during the spring and fall. During these times, it’s important to brush your Corgi more frequently to help manage the shedding.

Corgis aren’t hypoallergenic, they can trigger allergies because they have a double coat that traps allergens like dander. The best way to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction is to regularly brush and groom your Corgi, bathe them often, and use an air purifier in your home.

You should also avoid letting them sleep on your bed or in your bedroom. If you want a Corgi but are worried about allergies, consider getting a Corgi mix that has hypoallergenic properties.

Related post: Are Corgis Good Apartment Dogs?

Do Corgis have a lot of dander?

Corgis do have dander, which is a type of skin flake that can cause allergies in some people. However, they are not as prone to producing dander as other breeds of dogs.

The best way to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction is to regularly brush and groom your Corgi, bathe them often, and keep their living area clean.

You should also avoid letting them sleep on your bed or furniture. If you have severe allergies, you may want to consider getting a Corgi mix that has hypoallergenic properties.

Are Corgis OK for allergies?

No, Corgis dogs aren’t hypoallergenic. Both types of Corgis shed to varying degrees, with their dog fur carrying allergens such as dander and salvia. While no dog breed’s completely hypoallergenic, Corgis aren’t considered a good fit for allergy sufferers.

Corgis do release dander and other allergens that can cause reactions in people who are sensitive to them. For people with severe allergies, even a small amount of shed fur can trigger an allergic reaction. If you’re considering getting a Corgi, it’s best to consult with an allergist first to see if this breed is a good fit for you.

However, if you’re willing to take the time to manage your allergies and you’re looking for a loyal and loving companion, a Corgi may be the right fit for you.

Related post: Is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi a good family dog?

How to Minimize Allergic Reactions to Your Dog

While there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog, some breeds are better than others for those with allergies. Corgis are not considered to be hypoallergenic, but there are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.

If you or a member of your family suffers from allergies to pets, there are some ways you can minimize the number of allergens that your Corgi releases into the air.

1) Make sure that the person affected doesn’t groom the dog. This is a simple starting point where you can lower exposure to allergens. All brushing and bathing should take place with those with no allergy risk.

2) Schedule regular grooming to keep the hair and dander under control. While it might be tempting to limit grooming until it is necessary, you will find that regular brushing is better. The more you do to keep hair under control the lower the risks.

3) Make sure that your Corgi doesn’t go into the bedroom of the person with allergies. It is a good idea to train Corgis to respect boundaries in the home. This should stop them from entering bedrooms and climbing onto the beds of those with allergy issues. You may also decide to train your dog not to jump up on the couch.

4) Wash all dog bedding and vacuum the home regularly. Dog bedding is a big magnet for shed hair and dander. Regular machine washing limits the risk of this accumulating or spreading across the home.

5) Keep up with grooming. A well-groomed dog is less likely to shed as much hair. This means that there is less chance for hair and dander to be spread around the home.

6) Choose the right vacuum. When you are looking for a new vacuum, it is worth considering one that has been designed for homes with pets. These models have stronger suction and are often fitted with HEPA filters. This helps to limit the amount of pet hair and dander that is circulated throughout the home when you vacuum. Our favorite vacuum cleaner is available on amazon. Click here to see it

7) Get an air purifier. Air purifiers can help to remove allergens from the air in your home. This is an extra measure you can take to protect those with allergies. This air purifier is fantastic and is available on amazon. Click here to see it

8) Visit the vet regularly. A healthy dog is less likely to shed as much hair. This means that there is less chance for hair and dander to be spread around the home. Regular vet check-ups will help to ensure that your Corgi is in tip-top condition.

9) Invest in a lint roller. Lint rollers are great for removing pet hair from clothes and upholstery. They can also be used on cars and other fabric surfaces.

10) Consider hypoallergenic dog breeds. If you are struggling with allergies, it might be worth considering a hypoallergenic breed of dog. These breeds don’t shed as much hair and produce less dander.

By following these tips, you can help to reduce the amount of shedding and dander in your home. This will make it easier for those with allergies to live with a Corgi.

If you take these precautions, you can help make it possible for those with allergies to enjoy the love and companionship of a Corgi at home.

Do Corgis shed a lot?

Yes, both Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Cardigan Welsh Corgis shed a moderate amount. They have a thick, double coat that will require regular grooming to keep them healthy and free of mats and tangles. The coat sheds throughout the year, but there is a heavier shed twice a year during the spring and fall. During these times, it’s important to brush your Corgi more frequently to help manage the shedding.

Unfortunately for those that hate dog hair, Corgis do shed a fair amount. They have a medium-length double coat and while this can look beautiful and fluffy when kept in the right condition, you will find the hairs around your home. The coat will shed regularly with daily growth and wear. There is also the chance of them leaving dander behind, which is a problem for those with allergies.

Are Corgis shedders?

Another issue here is the heavy shedding during the summer and winter. This occurs when the coat of the Corgi changes to match the temperature and conditions of the season. It is common for working dogs like corgis to have a double coat. So if you own a corgi, you may have to deal with more shedding here, but you can take some steps to manage the shedding of your corgi and have it under control.

These include:

-Regularly bathe your Corgi to help reduce the amount of dander that they release.

-Use an air purifier in your home to help filter out allergens.

-Keeping your Corgi well-groomed and brushed to help reduce the amount of dander that they release.

-Avoid letting your Corgi sleep on your bed or in your bedroom to help reduce the number of allergens in those areas.

While Corgis are not Hypoallergenic, there are several things that you can do to help reduce the number of allergens that they release into the air.

By taking these precautions, you can help make it possible for those with allergies to enjoy the love and companionship of a Corgi at home.

Related post: Do Corgis Shed A Lot?

Should you get a Corgi if you have allergies?

In the end, the decision is up to you on whether it is best to look for a hypoallergenic Corgi mix breed, try and handle the allergens with a pure-bred Corgi, or go with another dog. There are risks with purebred corgis because of that coat type.

But, if you decide to follow these tips and medicate yourself you may still be able to enjoy the company of a Corgi. Don’t take the decision lightly, however. The last thing you want to do is to give a dog away because you weren’t prepared.

Are corgi mixes hypoallergenic?

It should be clear that 100% hypoallergenic dogs do not exist. Some dog breeds are called hypoallergenic because they shed less hair and therefore less dandruff than other breeds such as corgis or labradors, in addition, dogs considered hypoallergenic do not shed their fur with the change of seasons as corgis do.

One of the most common hypoallergenic breeds is the poodle, this dog sheds very little fur and is, therefore, less problematic for those who suffer from allergies. The mix of a poodle with a corgi is known as a corgipoo and it is believed that when a corgipoo inherits the poodle’s coat then has the same characteristics regarding the shedding of the coat and its effect on allergy sufferers.

The corgipoo tends to have a lot of the appearance and temperament of the corgi. For this reason, it is considered by some people as an alternative for those who want a Corgi but cannot have one due to their allergies. However, it must be made clear that not all corgipoo have the coat of a poodle, sometimes the corgipoo has the coat of a corgi, so in this case, they present the same problems for people with allergies.

To know if a corgipoo is hypoallergenic you must take into account the type of coat it has, if it has the coat of the poodle then it is likely that it will not cause allergic reactions, however, if it has the coat of the corgi then it will probably cause allergies in people who are sensitive to this type of dog.

In conclusion, corgis are not hypoallergenic dogs, however, there are some mixes like the corgipoo that could be an option for those who want a Corgi but suffer from allergies. It is important to take into account the type of coat that the mix has before getting one of these dogs.

In conclusion.

So, Are Corgis Hypoallergenic? The answer is no, Corgis are not hypoallergenic dogs. They do release dander and other allergens that can cause reactions in people who are sensitive to them. However, they are not as prone to doing so as other breeds of dogs.

Corgis are not considered to be hypoallergenic dogs. They do shed regularly and this can cause problems for those with allergies. However, with regular grooming and the right tools, you can manage the shedding and keep it under control.

Related post: Are corgis good dogs?

The post Are Corgis Hypoallergenic? appeared first on Corgi Central.
