The best names for corgis

Do you have a corgi? If so, what name do you call it? Whether your corgi is a pup or an adult, there are tons of great names to choose from. In this blog post, we’ll share some of the best names for corgis. So, whether you’re looking for a unique name or just want some inspiration, read on!

When it comes to naming your new best friend, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want a name that reflects your corgi’s personality. If they’re spunky and full of life, go for something playful like Pippin or Jax.

For a more laid-back pup, consider classic names like Charles or Winston. And if you have your heart set on a Welsh name, don’t worry – there are plenty of options to choose from.

The best corgi names

Some of the best names for corgis include:

  • Dylan
  • Morgan
  • Owen
  • Gwilym
  • Llewelyn
  • Pippin
  • Jax
  • Charles
  • Winston
  • Bella
  • Lola
  • Maggie
  • Daisy
  • Trixie
  • Sadie
  • Willow
  • Scooter
  • George
  • Micky
  • Miles
  • Oscar
  • Prince
  • Violet
  • Penelope
  • Ella
  • Olive
  • Peggy
  • Flora 
  • Monty
  • Susan 
  • Holly
  • Emma
  • Linnet
  • Noble
  • Foxy
  • Bushy
  • Brush
  • Honey
  • Whisky
  • Sherry
  • Vulcan
  • Cider
  • Berry
  • Flash
  • Spick
  • Minnie 
  • Peewee
  • Button
  • Nugget
  • Sweetie 
  • Pompom
  • Squat
  • Junior

Welsh names for corgis

The best names for corgis are those that reflect their Welsh heritage. Popular choices include Dylan, after the renowned Welsh poet, and Morgan, meaning “circling sea.” Other strong contenders include Owen, Gwilym, and Llewelyn. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s a name you’ll be proud to shout across the park!


This name is after the renowned Welsh poet Dylan Thomas.


This Welsh name means “circling sea” It’s a great name for an adventurous corgi.


A classic Welsh name, Owen means “noble” or “young warrior.”


This Welsh name means “protector” A perfect name for a calm corgi.


This Welsh name means “leader’s image” A great name for a brave corgi.


This name means “beautiful” in Welsh. A lovely name for a beautiful corgi.


This Welsh name means “Valued by the Lord” A great name for a strong corgi.


This Welsh name means “pearl.” A perfect name for a precious corgi.


This Welsh name means “angel” A perfect name for a corgi that brings happiness to your life.


This Welsh name means “Sarah.” A perfect name for a female corgi.


This Welsh name means “willow.” A perfect name for a graceful corgi.

No matter what you decide to name your corgi, it’ll always be your best friend. So choose a name that you’ll love shouting across the park!

Welsh names are a popular choice for corgis, as the breed originated in Wales. If you’re looking for a Welsh name for your corgi, here are some of our favorites:










Some great names aren’t Welsh but still have a connection to Wales. For example, many people name their corgis after Welsh towns and cities, such as:





If you’re looking for something a bit different, why not try a name inspired by Welsh mythology? There are some great mythological characters with Welsh origins, such as:

-Gwyn ap Nudd (the lord of the underworld in Welsh mythology)

-Arawn (the king of the underworld in Welsh mythology)

-Bran (Bran the Blessed was a giant and king in Welsh mythology)

-Rhiannon (a powerful goddess in Welsh mythology)

Finally, if you want a name that’s unique but still has a connection to Wales, you could try a Welsh word or phrase. For example:

Cariad (love)

Merched (girls)

-Pethau bychain (little things)

-Ionawr (January)

-Chwefror (February)

-Mawrth (March)

-Ebrill (April)

-Mai (May)

-Mehefin (June)

-Gorffennaf (July)

-Awst (August)

-Medi (September)

-Hydref (October)

-Tachwedd (November)

-Rhagfyr (December)

We hope this has given you some inspiration for naming your corgi. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s a name you’ll both love! If you want to know how to pronounce these Welsh names, here is a useful website that will help you pronounce these words correctly:

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